Musical highlight The Sunday evening concert was a particularly marvellous event for the listeners. The Belgian organist Johan Hermans proofed his amazing technical level. Besides his technical mastery Hermans possesses an artistic quality which lifts his music over the borders of virtuosity into the realm of true music. His Bach-interpretation proofed to be of a direct clarity and a musical quality that will stick in the minds of the listeners for a long time – probably even the best interpretation ever in the North. His Franck-interpretation was a true triumph of registration art and dramatic expression. The audience was left speechless, stunned and deeply touched by this unusually rich and sovereignty performed concert.
BERLIN , Germany
His Bach playing is masterfully organized, perfectly articulated, delicately registered and lovingly ornamented. A true master of the organ.
(Berliner Morgenpost)
MEAUX (Paris region), France
Excellent concert Inspiring. Johan Hermans used his remarkable skills as a first class musician to give a new interpretation of the works of known composers.
(La République de Seine et Marne)
Marvelous organ play, performed wonderfully sensitive and inward going.
ALZEY , Germany
With amazing virtuosity A special concert experience. Virtuosity and intense performance joy were combined with gracefully light and delicate playing. …performed impressively calm and even, but at the same time showing a huge dynamic tension and powerful expression. Stylishly chosen registrations.
LIMOGES , France
Stirring registration, dynamically balanced and in an immediately persuading tempo. Performed with virtuosity and musical feeling.
(Journal de Millau)
Impressive accurate interpretation with stylish registration. Magnificent. Full of fantasy. The technical perfection of the organist is based on inner calm and concentration and completely aimed at increasing the dramatic expression.
(Westfälisches Volksblatt)
OIRSCHOT, Eindhoven region, Nederland
Idealistic, artistically gifted musician. Virtuosity, a smooth style and a tasteful approach led to truly brilliant results. Unique and fantasy filled registrations, performed with appropriate daring and an unseen insight. Empathy and melancholy, brilliant climaxes and contemplative tranquillity.
(Eindhovens Dagblad)
Brilliant. Unforgettable performance….divine….
(Rheinische Post)
EVANSVILLE, United States
Johan Hermans displayed outstanding musicianship. The audience responded very well to his spoken notes about the music and were very pleased to meet him personally at the reception which followed.
(Dr. Douglas Reed, Professor in Indiana)
HOUSTON, United States
Forceful interpretations and stunning virtuosity, reminding about Flor Peeters’ style. He projects a warm presence as well, involving the audience in the meaning of the works he proposes, commenting them with verve and perspicacity. He comes across with deep human sensibility.
(André Crispin, Honorary consul)
LONDON, United Kingdom
Johan Hermans gave a brilliant solo account of himself in music by Bach, Franck and Peeters.
(The Independent)
BRNO, Czech Republic
Organ recital was vital and colourful. The program was well chosen …J.H. certainly could be called the ideal of a performer, combining highly intelligent musicianship with a virtuoso technique, the insight in all the secrets of the art of registration, and the ability to communicate with his audience. His oral notes were informative and really helped to develop a relationship with the audience.
(Cesky Noviny)
Muzikaal hoogtepunt Het concert van zondagavond was een bijzonder wonderbare gebeurtenis voor de luisteraars. De Belgische organist Johan Hermans gaf blijk van een indrukwekkend technisch niveau. Maar bovenop dit technische meesterschap was het de artistieke kwaliteit die zijn musiceren over de grenzen van louter virtuositeit in het rijk van de Ware Muziek tilde. Zijn Bach-vertolking was van een directe klaarheid en een muzikaliteit die de luisteraars nog lang zullen bijblijven, mogelijk zelfs de beste uitvoering ooit in het Noorden. Zijn Franck-vertolking was een ware triomf van registratie-kunst en dramatische expressie. Het publiek zat sprakeloos, verbluft en diep ontroerd na dit ongewoon rijke en soeverein gebrachte concert.
BERLIN , Germany
“His Bach playing is masterfully organized, perfectly articulated, delicately registered and lovingly ornamented. A true master of the organ.”
(Berliner Morgenpost)
MEAUX (Paris region), France
Voortreffelijk concert Begeesterend. Johan Hermans toonde zich een eersteklas musicus in de uitstekende wijze waarop hij werken van bekende componisten een nieuwe expressie wist te geven.
(La République de Seine et Marne)
Schitterend orgelspel, wondermooi sensibel en verinnerlijkt gebracht.
ALZEY , Germany
Indrukwekkend virtuoos Een bijzondere concertervaring. Virtuositeit en speelvreugde imponeerden in zijn sierlijk lichte en subtiele spel. … indrukwekkend rustig en gelijkmatig gebracht maar tegelijk met een grote dynamische spanning en uitdrukkingskracht. Stijlvol uitgekozen registraties.
LIMOGES , France
Meeslepende registraties, dynamisch evenwichtig en in meteen overtuigende tempi. Uitgevoerd met virtuositeit en muzikaliteit.
(Journal de Millau)
Indrukwekkende, trefzekere interpretatie met stijlvolle registraties. Grandioos. Uiterst fantasievol. De technische souvereiniteit van deze organist was steeds gebaseerd op een innerlijke rust en concentratie en was volledig toegespitst op het opvoeren van de dramatische expressie.
(Westfälisches Volksblatt)
OIRSCHOT, Eindhoven region, Nederland
Idealistische, artistiek begaafde muzikant. Virtuositeit, soepele speeltrant en smaakvolle benadering leidde tot ongemeen schitterende resultaten. Unieke en fantasievolle registratievondsten, met gepaste durf en een ongekend kleurinzicht ten uitvoer gebracht. Meewarigheid en melancholie, briljante climaxen en contemplatieve verstilling.
(Eindhovens Dagblad)
Brilliant. Unforgettable performance….divine….
(Rheinische Post)
EVANSVILLE, United States
Johan Hermans displayed outstanding musicianship. The audience responded very well to his spoken notes about the music and were very pleased to meet him personally at the reception which followed.
(Dr. Douglas Reed, Professor in Indiana)
HOUSTON, United States
Forceful interpretations and stunning virtuosity, reminding about Flor Peeters’ style. He projects a warm presence as well, involving the audience in the meaning of the works he proposes, commenting them with verve and perspicacity. He comes across with deep human sensibility.
(André Crispin, Honorary consul)
LONDON, United Kingdom
Johan Hermans gave a brilliant solo account of himself in music by Bach, Franck and Peeters.
(The Independent)
BRNO, Czech Republic
Organ recital was vital and colorful. The program was well chosen …His Bach was perfectly articulated, delicately registered and lovingly ornamented. J.H. certainly could be called the ideal of a performer, combining highly intelligent musicianship with a virtuoso technique, the insight in all the secrets of the art of registration, and the ability to communicate with his audience. His oral notes were informative and really helped to develop a relationship with the audience.
(Cesky Noviny)